Australia's Leading Range of Thermally Broken Aluminium Windows and Doors

BAL40 Windows and Doors | ThermalHEART | AWS Australia

BAL40 Architectural Window Systems (AWS) has developed and tested an extensive range of Vantage, Elevate™ and ThermalHEART™ aluminium windows and doors to meet and exceed BCA requirements for compliance under Australian Standard AS3959-2009 for windows and doors in a BAL40 bushfire zone.

These products are engineered, tested and certified to withstand the conditions likely to occur in a BAL40 zone and are designed to help you protect homes and commercial applications whilst still delivering unprecedented style, efficiency and functionality for your lifestyle.

Many Australian homes are located in areas prone to bushfire attack. Changes to the BCA in 2011 and the inclusion of AS3959-2009 have increased the stringency around the selection of windows and doors along with other building materials for new build or renovation projects in bushfire prone areas. These changes are intended to reduce the risk of loss of life or damage to property in bushfire areas.

If you currently live, or plan to build, in a bushfire prone area, there are many precautions you can take to help protect your home and maximise your safety. One of these is the correct selection and installation of bushfire rated window and door systems.

AWS now offers Australia’s largest range of BAL40 bushfire rated windows and doors.

Visit for more information.

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