Contemporary Aluminium Windows and Doors for your lifestyle

During more than 35 years in business, Alutech has supplied factory glazed windows and Havengard® screening systems engineered for high wind zone applications to many of Western Australia's private enterprise builders of residential and commercial structures and to some of the largest and most remote housing and accommodation projects commissioned by the State and Federal Governments. 

Our range of factory glazed windows and doors not only add style to any development but also meet the cyclonic and wind load requirements of the State's northern regions.

Operating from a modern, purpose built factory in Henderson, our workshop is fully equipped with the latest, state-of-the-art machinery, providing a fast and accurate manufacturing service. The experience and expertise of our dedicated, long serviing team of professionals ensures that we can provide the highest levels of quality and service.

We can provide a quote off your plans or site measure when required and freight to almost any location in Western Australia and if there is a special performance criteria required to meet with regional specifications, we will engineer a window to best suit your needs.



11 Success Way, Henderson WA 6166
P: (08) 9437 5300
E: [email protected]

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