Contemporary Aluminium Windows and Doors for your lifestyle

This spectacular home is located in the tiny suburb of Kangaroo Point, situated in Sydney’s south. Just off the Georges River, this home boasts stunning river views and a serene environment.

The brief for the build of this home was to ensure the most was made of the view whilst creating an energy efficient project. Builders Alkira Homes were given the daunting task of ensuring the clients’ brief and ideas came to life.

The home was to be sleek, modern and crisp, utilise neutral colours and strong clean edges. The clients desired a minimalistic home and wanted to frame the view as the focal point. As the home is located in the south of Sydney and very exposed to the Georges River facing due east, glazing product selection was critical to ensuring a comfortable, funtional living space was created in this home.

Alkira Homes realised very early on that high quality, durable window and door systems were going to be heavily relied on throughout this project to ensure the view was captured inside the home. With much research and deliberation, the Vantage Aluminium Joinery range of products were decided upon as the ideal systems for the project.

Local aluminium window and door manufacturer Kev's Window And Door Solutions were chosen to supply the numerous aluminium windows and doors and framing for this home due to their experience and expertise in the industry.

Kev's worked closely with Alkira Homes in the design stage of this project to ensure the perfect glazing solution for the clients.

The clients’ brief was to ensure all the aluminium window systems complemented the architectural design and open plan layout of the project.

It was important that all aluminium window and door systems would withstand high wind and water exposure conditions but harmoniously offer sleek aesthetic styling to complement the design of the residence.

An innovative system was utilised in the project; a Vantage Series 546 Bi-Fold Window into the kitchen. This addition ensured added functionality to the outdoor entertainment area.

Vantage Series 618 large stacking doors were used to connect the internal living spaces with the outdoors, enhancing the living and entertainment areas.

Louvre windows were also incorporated into this project throughout the bedrooms and bathrooms. The inclusion of louvre windows resulted in a reduction in the cooling load. With the assistance of Kev's Window And Door Solutions, the placement of these windows also ensured exceptional crossflow ventilation for the home to ensure maximum internal comfort levels.

As the home is located so close to the water, all of the aluminium windows and doors throughout were finished in Dulux Duratec to ensure longevity in marine environments. ICON™ 316 marine grade stainless steel hardware was also used throughout the house to prevent weathering.

As the home faces due east, it receives early morning sun, so the use of low-E glass helped to ensure the home maintains a constant comfortable temperature throughout the day, year round.

Alkira Homes alongside Kev's selected products throughout the home to ensure all relevant energy efficiency requirements were met.

Glazing product selection was critical to ensuring a comfortable, functional living space was created in this home



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