Australia's Leading Range of Thermally Broken Aluminium Windows and Doors

Avanti Glass & Aluminium is a West Australian owned business and has been operating for over 30 years. Avanti manufactures and installs a large range of premium products including:

  • Aluminium windows
  • Bi-fold doors
  • Sliding and stacker doors
  • Double-glazing
  • Security doors
  • Shower screens
  • Mirrors and more

Avanti has a factory and showroom in Bibra Lake, WA. Avantis main regional focus is the Perth metropolitan area but also caters to a wide range of clients extending as far north as Darwin and as far south as Esperance. Avantis products are used in both residential and commercial applications.

Bibra Lake

24 Port Kembla Drive, Bibra Lake WA 6163
P: 1300 080 677
E: [email protected]


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