Australia's Leading Range of Thermally Broken Aluminium Windows and Doors

Snow Temperature Regulation | Vantage | AWS Australia

At 1488m above sea level, Cabramurra is Australia’s highest town (after ski resorts, Charlottes Pass and Dinner Plain). Such elevation and its location, exposes Cabramurra to the similar weather conditions seen in the nearby ski resorts of Perisher, Charlottes Pass and Thredbo.

There is a long history surrounding Cabramurra. The original township was established in 1954 using prefabricated houses for workers and their families as part of the Snowy Mountains Hydro Scheme.  The town was the base for the Tumut 1 and Tumut 2 Power Station projects during the 1950s and 60s.

The town was modernised and rebuilt in the early 1970s and is still home to many Scheme workers. New houses and buildings were built with Besser blocks to a design specifically tailored to the environment. Long steep roofs allow snow to slide off, and the interiors are designed around a central heater which warms all rooms in the house either directly or indirectly. All power and phone lines are routed underground. Open to the public, Cabramurra also has a small number of local conveniences including fuel and a grocery store.

Only recently, Vantage® supplier Crawfords Glass in Tumut, were commissioned to upgrade the windows and doors of the General Store. Products chosen were the ThermalHEART™ hinged door and awning window and as evidenced in these images, the upgrade couldn’t have come soon enough.

AWS ThermalHEART™ technology minimises heat or cold transfer, and provides excellent energy efficiency. Used in conjunction with double glazing, they’re up to 33% more efficient than standard double-glazed windows.

When combined with double glazing, hinged doors will become heavy and for this reason, an adjustable heavy-duty hinge comes standard to ensure maximum durability and easy movement.

With a heavy snow season in 2018, the images below show how the ThermalHEART™ windows and doors were put to the ultimate test and performed with flying colours both thermally and structurally.


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