Australia's Leading Range of Thermally Broken Aluminium Windows and Doors

2016 Fenestration Australia Design Awards | ThermalHEART

The Fenestration Australia Design Awards focus on highlighting the remarkable creativity and expertise of members of the AWA, AISF and SIA. The awards differentiate these members from the rest of their industry. Without fail, the design awards always showcase the best talent in the industry.

Window, door and skylight projects and many other fenestration products and surface finishings are graded by expert panels and the most deserving are awarded.

With this in mind, Architectural Window Systems offers its congratulations to our exemplary fabricator businesses for the awards and commendations received at the 2016 Fenestration Australia Design awards:


Everclear Glass & Glazing - Showroom of the Year – Small (Winner)


Evolution Window Systems - Best use of Windows & Doors Residential New Construction over $500,000 (Winner)

(Check out our Project feature for Warriewood House here!)


Hanlon Windows - Best use of Windows & Doors Commercial New Construction up to $5 Million (Highly Commended)


Bretts Architectural Window Solutions  - Best use of Windows & Doors Residential New Construction over $500,000 (Highly Commended)


Do you have a project that you need some award-winning expertise on? Get in touch with our fabricators here:

Everclear Glass and Glazing

Evolution Window Systems

Hanlons Windows

Bretts Architectural Window Solutions


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