Contemporary Aluminium Windows and Doors for your lifestyle

Window types explained | Vantage | AWS Australia

For those living in noisy areas, selecting the right windows and ensuring their correct installation is crucial. Window style, glass selection and the overall quality of products used, influence the home’s ability to block out external noise and improve occupant comfort. 

A window will need to be included amongst similarly performing products for a whole building to reach its acoustic potential. Just one product with poor acoustics can introduce a lot of noise to a room and drop overall performance. 

Windows that deliver the highest level of acoustic performance include fixed, awning and casement windows.  These types of windows perform well due to the tight seal around the perimeter when the window is closed and their ability to accept various glass thicknesses and double glazing

Due to the overlapping nature of sliding panels, double hung and sliding windows cannot be sealed as tight as other window systems so while they still offer effective levels of acoustic performance, they don’t perform as well as a fixed or awning window types.

Buildings need to be accessed at some point, so doors also impact the acoustics of the total building envelope. Hinged and bi-fold doors are preferable to sliding doors for acoustic performance but due to the configuration of bi-folds and the hardware required to make their panels operable, there are still slight gaps that allow for sound to leak into the building envelope. Hinge doors are often chosen provide optimal acoustic performance for most applications

Glass selection is also important for acoustics. 

Single glazing – as a general rule, the acoustic performance of a single glazed window improves as the thickness of the glass increases. 

Laminated glass – made up of two panes of glass pressed together with a thin interlayer that helps to absorb some sound vibrations. 

Double glazing – doesn’t necessarily outperform specially laminated glass in all instances but when  configured and installed correctly, double glazing can achieve top of the line acoustic performance and should be considered for applications where acoustic performance is a priority.

To determine the right performing product for your project, speak to your architect or building designer who can identify which configuration of AWS products will best suit your projects and budget. By selecting Vantage, you can rest quietly, and assured that you are picking fully tested Australian made and locally manufactured products that can deliver acoustic performance levels suitable for your unique project. 


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