Contemporary Aluminium Windows and Doors for your lifestyle

Fall in love with the dark side

Darker coloured windows and doors have been on the rise for the past couple of years. With industrial-inspired interiors still hot property, we can’t seem to get enough of darker frames. Dark, metal or stone inspired tones are a match made in heaven for this industrial love affair.

Not only with industrial home designs are we seeing dark window and door frames. We are also seeing them in modern homes, heritage listed homes and boutique accommodation.

“Monument” is one of the most popular dual-finish choices for home owners in the Vantage colour range, not only due to its innate appeal, but also because it’s part of the Dulux Colorbond® range so it’s a popular choice when home owners are looking for a consistent colour palette throughout their home.

Contemporary colour trends are also being driven by trends around colour contrast. Dark frames provide a fantastic colour offset for the light-coloured interior walls that are so on-trend right now, and instead of framing a view, the dark frames blend into the view. They create a simple, shadow-like feature that frames your external outlook to make it the hero.

Dark-framed windows and doors add serious drama and style, while portraying a sense of up-market and on-trend quality (i.e. “if it’s in fashion, it must be expensive right?”). Often associated with a ‘risky’ decision because it’s outside the normal colour palette of silver or white, I encourage you: Go on! Fall in love with the dark side.


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