Contemporary Aluminium Windows and Doors for your lifestyle

Handle selection for windows & doors | Vantage | AWS

Have you ever tried pushing or pulling a hinged door only to find it operated the other way? You are not alone - poorly designed doors are everywhere!

Don Norman wrote a seminal book The Design of Everyday Things in which he explored the importance of discoverability and feedback in the design of doors (among many other things we interact with daily). Discoverability refers to a person’s ability to find out what operations are possible. Feedback refers to a signal that something has happened after a person’s interaction with an object. Norman’s book has been quite influential and now the term Norman Door refers to the kind of door we don’t know how to operate when we approach it. Norman suggests that if a door, which should be a simple device to operate, needs a sign to operate, then it is a design failure.

An obvious handle on a hinged or pivot door indicates which side (left or right) to operate. A flat plate suggests a push action. A ‘D’ pull suggests a pull action. A lever handle or knob suggests turning but indicates nothing about push or pull.

Hardware is one of the defining features of windows and doors. The form and function of handles and latches provide a tactile experience that can considerably enhance the appearance and functionality of your windows and doors.

In developing the ANDO™ and ICON™ ranges, AWS have achieved two unique and stylish suites of hardware which deliver clear function and lasting durability that are distinctly unique providing choice across two contemporary selections for your windows and doors.

Consistent styling within each range was of paramount concern. Smooth, sleek lines for ANDO™ and square contemporary styling for ICON™.

The ICON™ hardware range is a fully integrated range of stainless steel hardware which incorporates a square edge rectilinear look and design cues to promote simple operation. The range offers superior weathering performance, ideal for coastal applications, and outstanding durability making it versatile in all environments.

View the ANDO™ range here 

View the ICON™ range here 

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