Contemporary Aluminium Windows and Doors for your lifestyle

Healthy home ventilation | Vantage | AWS Australia

Good indoor air quality is imperative for a healthy home. Stale air and CO2 build up needs to be avoided and fresh air makes your home, a healthy and comfortable home. It’s definitely no secret that the key to good internal air quality is allowing external air to pass through your home. This is ventilation. 

If you are designing your home, optimize natural breezeways by providing multiple flow paths and minimising potential barriers.  

Because breezes come from many directions and can be deflected or diverted, orientation to breeze direction is less important than the actual design of windows and opening to collect and direct breezes within and through the home. 

Sliding windows need to be open at least 50% for breeze and louvres need to be open up to 95% to breeze. 

In our homes we need to get rid of stale air, remove dust, avoid mould, limit condensation and the number one factor is better health! Studies have shown that we are happier and healthier human beings when our homes have good indoor air quality so open your windows and let that breeze in! 



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