There are a huge variety of commercial windows and doors and residential windows and doors on the market suitable for use in residential building or renovation projects.
Windows and doors add style and charm to your home, they are a relatively permanent fixture and it is important to make the right decision when selecting your windows or doors. Not only must they look good, but be functional and perform well based on the specific climate and weather conditions your home will be exposed to.
The style and quality of windows you choose for you home needs to be a consideration of function, performance budget and aesthetics.
Vantage aluminium windows and doors are designed to deliver satisfaction for generations, our range of MAGNUM™ series windows and doors delivers outstanding performance and aesthetics for contemporary building projects. Our ThermalHEART™ systems deliver exceptional energy efficiency and help to make your home more comfortable particularly when you are living in a climate which experiences temperature extremes.
The following checklist is designed to give you a list of considerations to discuss with your fabricator whilst making your window or door selection:
Does the window comply with the relevant Australian Standards?
- All windows should comply with Australian Standard AS2047 and regulations imposed by the BCA but it pays to ask for written proof.
Has the window been designed for exposed locations?
- If you are building by the sea or in an exposed location it is critical to ensure the product you select will meet the requirements for wind load and water resistance. Ask to see testing videos and or reports.
Has the product been WERS rated?
- Does it meet the requirements set out in your energy report, remember windows must be rated as a complete element combining glass and frame, individual glass ratings are not suitable for use in complying to energy report or building code requirements.
Is the product suitable for air-conditioned buildings?
- The Australian standard sets out minimum requirements for windows and doors which will be used in Air-conditioned buildings – these requirements relate to the Air infiltration of the window – or the amount of air it lets through its seals. Windows with low air infiltration are much better at keeping out heat, cold and sound and will ultimately save you money when used in an Air conditioned building.
Does the frame and sash design match your expectations for appearance?
- There is a big difference between the look and strength of a residential window V’s a semi commercial or commercial window. Typically a residential window has a 50mm frame platform – it’s quite thin. Commercial windows have a 100mm frame platform and give a much chunkier more modern appearance with improved strength. The Vantage Designer Series range is based on a 100mm platform for improved aesthetics and performance. Residential series windows are based on a 50mm platform delivering an economical solution.
Can I make large heavy sliding/opening sashes and still comply?
- If you want your aluminium windows and aluminium doors to be tall or wide it is critical to ensure that the window system you select is capable of achieving the sizes you desire. As aluminium windows get bigger they get heavier, hardware such as rollers, hinges, stays etc. must be capable of accepting the increased load. Likewise, frame and sash profiles need to be strong enough to span tall wide openings. This is essential for the compliant and reliable operation of your aluminium windows and aluminium doors long term.
Do you have options regarding hardware, handles, locks etc.?
- The part of an aluminium window or aluminium door you touch is the handle or lock. Vantage aluminium windows or aluminium doors typically are available with a range of locking options to give consumers the option to select hardware which meets their expectations for security, performance and style.
Has the system been designed to ensure adequate drainage and the ability to handle internal condensation?
- In All Vantage aluminium windows and aluminium doors are tested to ensure they deliver adequate drainage and prevent internal surfaces becoming wet. It is important in cold climates that window systems are designed to ensure any internal condensation can drain to the outside to avoid skirting boards or timber reveals becoming wet.
How will flyscreens been installed?
- Many window systems do not offer seamless integration of flyscreens, often flyscreens are installed with unsightly screws or rivets. If you will have flyscreens on your windows ask your fabricator to show you how they will be installed and what they would look like. All Vantage aluminium windows and aluminium doors are designed to accept flyscreens neatly and without ugly fixings.
Will the frame still look neat if no flyscreen is installed?
- If you choose not to have flyscreens will the flyscreen frame recesses be filled to give you a neat appearance? Vantage aluminium windows and aluminium doors can be fitted with flat fillers to eliminate screen recesses giving a tidy finish.