Australia's Leading Range of High Performance Aluminium Windows and Doors
Established in 1997, Brisbane Water Glass, based in Woy Woy, is well positioned to offer unparalleled service to the building industry covering the Newcastle, Central Coast & Sydney markets. We manufacture and sell the complete range of Vantage Aluminium Joinery and Elevate Aluminium Systems products to the Newcastle, Central Coast & Sydney markets. We also offer a glass replacement service and manufacture a large range of shower screens and built-in robe doors (Central Coast only). All of our products comply with or exceed the requirements of the building code of Australia and we are proud members of the AGWA (Australian Glass & Window Association). We offer a supply and install service for your commercial needs with a highly qualified team of installers.
3/1451 Pittwater rd, Narrabeen NSW 2101
P: (02) 9970 5600
E: [email protected]
Woy Woy
Unit 1/5 Charlton Street, Woy Woy NSW 2256
P: (02) 4344 2455
E: [email protected]