Australia's Leading Range of High Performance Aluminium Windows and Doors
Stawell Windows & Glass is located at 46 Ararat Road, Stawell and have been servicing the Stawell Area for over 30 years as well as travelling to Ararat, Horsham, Beaufort, Lake Bolac, and St Arnaud. With over 100 years experience in the glazing field, Stawell Windows & Glass is a local company you can trust.
We always strive to provide you with the highest quality in both product and customer service and with our years of outstanding experience this makes us the right option when choosing windows or doors for your your or business.
We offer glazing services for new work or existing work which includes windows, shop fronts, shower screens, doors etc. Stawell Windows & Glass are a locally owned and operated company providing a fast and reliable service to local and out of town builders, home renovators, owner builders and the general public.
46 Ararat Road, Stawell VIC 3380
P: (03) 5358 1856
F: (03) 5358 3994
E: [email protected]