Contemporary Aluminium Windows and Doors for your lifestyle

In their bid to marry form and function, the owners of this outstanding home in Nelson, NSW, were determined to spare no expense. Opulence and craftsmanship combine to showcase the best of luxury living. But it isn’t just the glamorous aesthetics that make this property so unique. It’s also the unremitting emphasis on environmental sustainability.

As part of the owners’ mission to create a home with a low environmental impact, a massive 250,000-litre water tank was installed underground, reticulating to the bathrooms and external taps. The property also utilises cleverly integrated photovoltaic roof tiles and storage batteries to allow for the ultimate in energy efficiency. To further reduce the home’s carbon footprint, electricity to the beautifully appointed guest wing can be completely shut down when not in use.

Given the ambition of the build, a vast number and variety of double-glazed windows and doors were required to deliver maximum beauty and thermal efficiency. Meeting the design requirement for premium finishes was always going to be a challenge. To ensure the best outcomes, expert advice was sought from the leading team of fabricators at Everclear Windows & Doors. On their recommendation, the owners opted for products from the state-of-the-art AWS Commercial and Architectural Series.

Large sliding doors and highlight windows now overlook the serene bush and allow light to filter into the rooms, creating a tranquil interior oasis. Commercial framing creates an uninterrupted sightline from the front door through to the raked timber ceiling, through the living room and out to the gorgeous alfresco area. The result is a sumptuous and grand retreat that allows for every creature comfort while never losing connection to the natural world.


An important feature for the clients when creating this home was for it to have low impact on the environment whilst not compromising on the overall look of the home.

Everclear Windows


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