Contemporary Aluminium Windows and Doors for your lifestyle

Breathing new life into a salt-faded residential home was the order of the day for the owners of this pretty cottage in Merewether, a surfing town on the NSW coast.

The aim was to achieve a contemporary renovation and extension that fully embraced the beautiful northern light while limiting the amount of harsh afternoon sun to the west.

To reduce air-conditioning costs and create a true oasis, the home also needed to capture the cool north-easterly sea breezes.

In response to the brief, Stronarch Architects designed an open plan area that embraced the living area and kitchen – great for entertaining as well as quality family time.

In consultation with local fabricators, Great Lake Windows, AWS windows and doors were chosen to welcome in the morning sun and ensure seamless line of sight across the large deck area and into the lush backyard.

The outdoor living space was designed to feel as if it is an extension of the living area. Large 618 Magnum doors with Centor retractable screens in custom black achieved this goal perfectly. Open or closed, the doors deliver maximum functional living area, protection from creepy-crawlies, and exceptional comfort all year round.

Not wanting to lose the charm of the original dwelling, the design and building teams worked together to create a low-pitch transition roof between the old home and the stunning new high-pitch cathedral ceiling. AWS louvres were chosen to allow maximum ventilation and access to the gentle sea breezes.

Through careful collaboration and clever product choice, the owners have created a home that is fit for purpose, beautiful and ready to embrace families for generations to come.


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Powdercoat Colours

Name: Custom Black
Grouping: Standard Colours

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