Contemporary Aluminium Windows and Doors for your lifestyle
Maximising views of the escarpment was essential for this magnificient new build. Located in the beautiful Kangaroo Valley, the owners wanted to sense their surroundings. No matter where you're positioned within this living space you have a view.
Hanlon Windows worked with the owner, architect and builder to optimise views and window design. The client brief required the largest window and door sizes possible. Whilst meeting BASIX requirements and creating thermal comfort within the home.
The owners decided to go with ThermalHEART™ products throughout. It's exceptional thermal performance and style made it an obvious choice.
Using Sable Black Matt finish against the natural rock and green surrounds was both bold and elemental.
Hanlon Windows worked with the client to offer a hybrid window option. Combining a sashless clearvent double hung window within the Series 804 frame.
The Series 731 Thermally Broken Sliding Door provided an excellent indoor/outdoor flow. Meeting the client brief of connecting with their stunning landscape whilst maintaining comfort.
The Series 731 is a bold and unique system that can have up to four sliding panels in each direction. Incorporating commercial design features designed for residential applications with a flush sill.
Combined with double glazing it's 33% more energy efficient than tradtional double glazed sliding doors.
No matter what the elements outside, this home is designed and built for comfort for years to come.